Fall 2024 Shorts

This page will have links to every single Short during the Fall 2024 semester.
If you’re a student, do not use this page for your Class Reflection Video Assignments - if you link these videos, you will not get credit.
Head over to the Full Lecture page if you are looking to complete your Assignment.

Oh, by the way,
you can watch the shorts on TikTok!

Class 1: Entering the 5th Dimension

Five DECADES of Teaching College Students
My Path Through School Wasn’t Straightforward
Don’t Be Smothered by Other People’s Thoughts
What gives the perfume such a powerful scent?
How old are you, bro?
What should the class know about Kuwaiti culture?
Questions about Middle Eastern Culture

Class 2: The Whites

“I looked at myself for the first time”
White Americans and White Europeans
What is “White Culture”?
Black v. White Culture
What Are You “Proud” Of?
Best Thing About Being White Is…
American White People Have Different Cultures

Class 3: Black Pride

How to Overcome Controversial Situations
When You First Challenge Your Beliefs
What is “Black Pride”?
”Black Pride Means to Me…”
Why is Juneteenth Important?
Penn State’s “WE ARE” Origins
Puerto Rican Pride

Class 4: What’s up with DEI?

Class 5: Some Truth (and Lies) About Inequality

Class 6: I Just Want Fairness!

Class 7: Genetics and Social Inequality

Class 8: The Africans