
If you’re on this page it is most likely because you used a SOC 119 video and did not meet the minimum standards that would allow you to use our content under “Fair Use.”
The SOC 119 team is very happy to have people watch and respond to our content.

However, you cannot download our videos and re-upload them without making it transformative in someway.

Many people do the following:

  • Translate the video.

    • We will never take a video down if the content creator is translating the content and uploading it with captions.

      • We encourage people watching from around the world to translate our videos! Feel free to do that

        • If you would like to work with the team on captions, that is also possible.

      • Translations can either be done in the video captions or on the video itself.

  • Add your commentary.

    • If you add your personal thoughts, feelings, or comments about the video in just about any method, we will not request the video to come down.

    • You could be agreeing, disagreeing, or using the video as a talking point. It doesn’t matter what is said, as long as there is additional commentary.

      • You do NOT need to put your face on the video, but you must have some form of commentary.

  • Using as a clip within a show or live stream.

    • There are a few podcasts and live streams that have used clips of ours in their show.

      • That is completely fair game! This is a long form version of “adding commentary.” We encourage it!

        • If you upload a live streamed clip of you watching our video and adding no commentary, this will not count since the uploaded video specifically referencing ours will not fall under fair use.

Please always remember to:

  • Link our YouTube Channel.

  • Link the FULL LECTURE that the video is connected with.

    • ALL full lecture links are available in the description of the videos.

    • If the link is not there, feel free to reach out and ask for assistance getting the proper link.

Moving Forward…

We do NOT want to place a copyright on anyone’s channel and therefore we are allowing content creators to reach out to our team first.
After sending us an email, you were given this link to look over and review.

If your video is not transformative, please delete the video from your channel.
If you refuse, and there is no transformative content, we will request YouTube to take it down.

If no response is made from our initial request after seven days, (or not follow-up after that seven day period) we will also request that YouTube takes the video down.

If YouTube takes it down, it will count as a copyright strike.


SOC 119 is dedicated to providing the best content for our students and the public. We pride ourselves on the quality of our live stream and uploaded video clips from the live stream. It is within our rights of the original content creators to protect our intellectual property. The SOC 119 team is extremely happy if people want to make videos from our content. There is a difference between using a video as inspiration and directly re-uploading content.


Feel free to email our video editor and YouTube manager at jeff@worldinconversation.org if you have any questions.