
While there are no books that you need to purchase for the course.
We will just use the readings and videos links below.

No exam materials are linked at this moment.
We strongly recommend that you do not start “preparing” for the exams too early.


You will definitely want to subscribe to the New York Times. IT IS FREE!!!

Exam One - Readings and Videos — CLICK HEREin 100 Thomas

DATE: Thursday, February 6th

There are 23 questions and the readings/videos will take you about 4.5 hours to complete

Once you start the exam, you will have 25 minutes to finish. The average time it will take the class will be 15 minutes.

Exam Two - Readings and Videos - CLICK HERE in 100 Thomas

DATE: Tuesday, March 18th

There are 24 questions and the readings/videos will take you about 5 hours to complete

Exam Three - Readings and Videos - CLICK HEREin 100 Thomas

DATE: Thursday, May 1st

There are 18 questions and the readings/videos will require about 3.75 hours to complete

Here are some things to think about as you’re studying for the three exams:

1. The exams only account for a portion of your overall grade. If you want an A, then you need to do well on them but you could get 100 percent on each of these three exams and still end up with a C if you don’t do the other assignments or come to class (or watch the videos in the case of the Summer Semester).

2. You really have to read the readings and watch the videos. It’s not a lot of work but you will NOT do well if you don’t do the work. This is not an exam for which you can guess at the answers and get a good grade.

3. Far too many of you won’t take the advice we just gave you seriously and you’ll just skip over or skim through the readings/videos on the first exam. Bad idea…but you’ll learn or you’ll decide that C’s and B’s earn degrees.

4. Aside from actually reading articles and watching videos, the only advice that we can give to you is that you should concentrate while doing so. People who do really well on exams after studying at the last minute are able to do so because they concentrate and don’t daydream while they’re underlining words that they’ve never actually understood when they first read over them.

5. Follow the advice in #4 above and then you won’t have to take notes.

6. The exam questions are not meant to be tricky or difficult. In fact, we WANT you to get the questions correct because it would indicate that you actually read or watched the material. You don’t have to memorize numbers and percentages and names and so on — unless it’s something that truly stands out in the article/video.

7. We recommend that you complete these readings/videos a day or two before the exams so that you remember everything.

8. The average grade for people who read ALL of the readings and watch ALL of the videos will be about 90 percent.