If you are interested in doing an HONORS OPTION in SOC 119N, here is the assignment:
For every class you write a 300-400 word reflection about each class experience.
Discuss what happened and what stood out for you. Don’t write a summary. Write your personal and intellectual reflections.
Then create a Google Doc and share it with Sam at his personal Gmail: iunlearn@gmail.com
You will use the same Google Doc all semester — just separate your entries by the class date and topic so Sam can keep track while reading.
He will read it and make comments on it as the semester progresses. He will be the only person reading your words.
When you fill out the Honors Option form with your College, use Sam’s PSU email: smr8@psu.edu
If you have any questions, reach out to him directly.
This will help when submitting to the Honors College:
After every class I will write a 300-400 word reflection about the class experience. I will discuss what happened in class and what stood out for me. This is not a summary but, rather, an opportunity for me to write out my personal and intellectual reflections on events in the class. This is not a class in which the primary activity is to share information for me to write down (or type out) as my class notes, but a class in which students actively engage with the professor and with one another. I will write my essays in a Google Doc that I will share the professor. He will be the only person reading and commenting on my words.
SOC 119N is designed to help students think in innovative ways about a range of issues. The best way to understand what I think about these issues (that are addressed in class) is to put my thoughts into writing. SOC 119N is a very large class of 800 students, and so it is unrealistic to think that I can meet with Dr. Richards on a regular basis. However, I can take the opportunity to write down my thoughts and share them with him. And then he will comment on them.
Supplemental Work:
As an assignment, SOC 119N has a twice per semester facilitated conversation with World in Conversation. However this is not enough of an opportunity for me to explore all of my views. As such, this writing opportunity will be a nice supplement to the regular assignments. It will be worth 10 percent of my final grade.