You are responsible for the following material on your midterm and final exams.

Many of the readings come from the New York Times and you need to have a subscription. THIS IS A FREE RESOURCE FOR ALL PENN STATE STUDENTS!

Penn State has an agreement with the New York Times and you can go the the Penn State Digital Access page to register for your free subscription. It will only take you 4 to 5 minutes to complete the registration process.

As we move forward, make sure that you’re logged in when you click on one of the New York Times articles. (Sometimes the New York Times website can kick you out and you don’t notice).


About 4.5 hours of material


1. “Dying to get through the US-Mexico border” (23 min)

2. “Inside Japan's Chicano Subculture” (7 min)

3. “Somalia, Sexism, and Me” (6 min)

4. “I’ve Lived as a Man and a Woman” (15 min)

5. “A Radical Experiment in Empathy” (18 min)

6. “Latino civil rights organization drops Latinx” (12 min)

7. “Street Interview: China’s Role in the Russia - Ukraine Crisis” (15 min)

8. “The Unspoken Truth About Asian Racism” (40 min) * This is a bit long but it’s entertaining and provocative


1. “Police misbehavior is a crucial threat to liberty” (15 min) - ** This is printed in Reason, widely recognized as one of the premier, conservative magazines printed in the U.S.

2. “Asia’s Isle of Five Separate Genders” (15 min)

3. “My young mind was disturbed by a book. It changed my life” (20 min)

4. “We shot a moose, class. There will be a quiz” (15 min)

5. “What Does it Mean to “Look Like Me’?” (15 min)

6. “How the Finnish Survive Without Small Talk” (10 min)

7. “An Iraqi Man’s Bond With a Penn State Professor Started With An Email” (15 min)

8. “Racist property deeds kept thousands of Philly homes off-limits to all but white buyers”
** FYI: everyone is going to get credit for the question about this article because it is hidden
behind a paywall and we didn’t realize it. So yo don’t have to read it.

9.“The Courtesy of Covering Up” (20 min)


About 4.5 hours of material


1. “Traveling Across Iraq for 7 Days” (36 min)

2. “Woke Racism” (6 min) *This is an audio recording

3. “What would you do?” (9 min)

4. “Secret to Life” (8 min) *the woman in this video (Antoinette) lives in South Africa.

5. “Aging in Okinawa, Japan” (7 min) * click on the aerial photo (taken from an airplane) to get to the 7 min video

6. “Post Pandemic Wuhan” (60 min)

7. “When entering the U.S. was as easy as crossing the street” (7 min)


1. “Why People Are Acting So Weird” (10 min)
*You only get to open this once on the same browser on your computer.
If you want to open it twice, you have to use a different machine or browser.

2. “Fears of White People Losing Out” (10 min)

3. “This tribe helped the Pilgrims survive for their first Thanksgiving” (15 min)

4. “Whose Fault is It?” (40 min)

5. “Living by the Code” (20 min)

6. “Covid-19 and American Indians” (15 min)

7. “Public Nudity and Germany” (15 min)