Fall 2024 Highlight Videos

This page will have links to every single highlight video during the Fall 2024 semester.
If you’re a student, do not use this page for your Class Reflection Video Assignments - if you link these videos, you will not get credit.
Head over to the Full Lecture page if you are looking to complete your Assignment.

Class 1: Entering the 5th Dimension

Why Do Arabs Wear “Oud” Perfume?

Class 2: The Whites

What Do You Think about White Americans?
Where is the White Privilege?

Class 3: Black Pride

What does “Black Pride” Mean to You?
What Are You "Proud" Of?

Class 4: What's up with DEI?

The Problems with DEI
Is DEI Forced in America?
How Do We Feel About DEI?

Class 5: Some Truth (and Lies) About Inequality

Class 6: I Just Want Fairness!

Class 7: Genetics and Social Inequality

Class 8: The Africans